Human encroachment into wildlife areas is another factor creating a loss of natural habitat as well as hunting, poaching and even poisoning by livestock keepers attempting to protect their stock from being killed by the lions whilst hunting. Lions themselves live for 10-14yrs and can run at 50 miles per hour over short distances. The live in 'prides' normally of about 15 lions headed by a male with the rest being female or cubs. Each female will give birth to 3-4 cubs at a time who will remain with their mother for a few years before going off and later establishing their own pride. We also have a link to a second live streaming lion webcam situated in the Smithsonian National Zoo which is home to ten lions; Shera and Nababiep are the two adult female lions, Luke is the single adult male (lucky Luke!) and there seven cubs ~ four females and three males. To visit this lion webcam click here, but be aware that the webcam may be dark if night time in the USA or temporarily closed for maintenance. |