Africa Animals Online

African Animal Webcams

When we imagine the African continent, we normally associate it with images of poverty and famine or conflict. However Africa is the stage for some stunning scenery and the home of abundant wildlife. Here we showcase some of the best African animal webcams available so you can take an instant look at African animals in their natural game reserve, desert watering hole and river habitats. All of these African animal webcams are live and embedded on this site so maybe bookmark this page and pay a return visit especially if trying to view the webcams at night when some of the cams show recent streams. Please note that our live African animal webcams change from time to time depending on availability so if you reached this page and the webcam you are looking for is no longer available, apologies, but it's not currently functioning.

Animal Webcams

Animal Webcams

Animal Webcams



African Animal Webcams
African Animal Webcams

Check out our free online African National Park webcams collection and use each webcam to see African animals live in National park across the continent.